Internationally celebrated on 17th April every year, World Hemophilia Day was first observed in the year 1963. It was started by the World Hemophilia Federation in an attempt to raise awareness about Hemophilia, a rare disorder in which blood doesn’t clot due to the absence of enough blood clotting proteins in the body.


Hemophilia is a genetic disorder. If someone has hemophilia, their blood doesn’t clot properly as they don’t have enough blood-clotting protein which works in tandem with platelets to stop bleeding by forming a blood clot at the site of an injury. People suffering from hemophilia are also susceptible to internal bleeding. For instance, the bleeding can be life-threatening if it starts to occur in vital body organs such as the brain.

The medical condition is generally found in men due to the lack of a double X chromosome in their genetic structure. However, in certain cases, hemophilia can also be acquired by genetic mutation but the possibility is very less.

Symptoms of Hemophilia

The symptoms of hemophilia depend upon the level of clotting factors. For instance, if the clotting factor of the patient suffering from hemophilia is mildly reduced, he may experience incessant bleeding only in the case of surgeries or traumas. However, if the number of clotting factors is large, the severity of hemophilia increases, and the patient may experience spontaneous bleeding.

Some of the symptoms of spontaneous bleeding include:

  • Excessive bleeding from minor cuts/injuries
  • Large bruises
  • Bleeding after the patient gets vaccinated
  • Pain in the joints
  • Nose bleeding

Continuous nose bleeding is one of the most common symptoms of hemophilia. However, with the use of Medtronic merocel, a nasal tampon made of polyvinyl alcohol, bleeding can be stopped. You can buy the merocel at Smart Medical Buyer, one of the best online platforms for all your medical devices and equipment requirements.

The theme for this year’s World Hemophilia Day

The theme for this year’s World Hemophilia Day is focused on identifying new patients who are suffering from Hemophilia and reaching out to them in order to ensure their well-being and provide them with better care opportunities.